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Test Cases

🕙 Start time⌛ Duration
10/18/2024, 1:52:30 PM7.497 s
✅ Passed❌ Failed⏩ Skipped🚧 Todo⚪ Total
Test Suites1600016


13 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 todo, done in 251.06091900000047 s

✅ Common
   ✅ Empty Input Error
   ✅ Invalid Diagram Type
   ✅ Empty Diagram
✅ Actors
   ✅ Actors and participants
✅ Notes
   ✅ Side note
   ✅ Spanning note
✅ Messages
   ✅ Simple message
   ✅ Loop message
   ✅ Different arrow messages
✅ Activations
   ✅ Simple activations
   ✅ Complex activations
   ✅ Double actor activations
   ✅ Three actors activations


15 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 todo, done in 446.9440369999993 s

✅ state Diagram Parser › common
   ✅ blankInput
   ✅ invalidDiagram
   ✅ emptyStateDiagram
   ✅ simpleTransition
   ✅ simpleTransitionCompleted
   ✅ simpleTransitionWithComments
   ✅ stateDiagramWithChoice
   ✅ stateDiagramWithFork
   ✅ stateDiagramWithLoopCondition
   ✅ stateDiagramWithLeftSideNote
   ✅ stateDiagramWithRightSideNote
   ✅ stateDiagramWithChoiceAndNote
   ✅ stateDiagramWithSameAction
   ✅ stateDiagramWithNamedStates
   ✅ stateDiagramDoublePath
✅ state Diagram Parser


19 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 todo, done in 378.857567 s

✅ state Diagram Parser › common
   ✅ empty Input Error
   ✅ invalid Diagram Type
   ✅ empty Diagram
✅ state Diagram Parser › notes
   ✅ one Line
   ✅ empty Note
   ✅ left side note
   ✅ right side note
   ✅ multiline note
✅ state Diagram Parser › states And Actions
   ✅ simple Transition
   ✅ named State
   ✅ simple Completed Transition
   ✅ simple Transition With Comments
   ✅ all States To End
   ✅ double Transitions
✅ state Diagram Parser › forks
   ✅ simple
   ✅ normal
✅ state Diagram Parser › choices
   ✅ simple
   ✅ double Path
   ✅ loop
✅ state Diagram Parser