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Predicates are functions that return a Boolean value and are used to fork the flow of operations inside FSMs. All Predicates are high-order functions that allow composition.

Built-in Predicates

Bundled within Yantrix grammar, they are used to combine other Predicates and implement logical operations like not, and and so on.


  • check the oddity of value: isEven(value)
  • compare two numbers: isGreater(value, reference)
  • compare with a constant: isLowerOrEqual(value, 0)
  • test if a sample is in the set: includes(listValue, sample)
  • test if any condition succeeds:
any(isGreater(value, 0), not(includes(listValue, 'sample')), isGreater(len(stringValue), 0))

Model Predicates

Are declared as a part of Data Model are supposed to implement conditions that rely on the current state of Application. They can be written in the language of integration and injected into FSMs at runtime. This can be useful to taylor primitives to a specific Integration


  • isUserAuthorized(user_id)
  • isEqual(getHeader(headers, 'Origin'), %%allowed_origin))
  • effect/colorize <= #{if(isEven(counter), 'red','green'}}

Context Predicates

Are declared within a Slice and its State Dictionary, and have a State/Context pair as a dependency. It's designed to create decision branching within Forks and create domain-specific logic


  • isRequestComplete()
  • isFocused(input_id)
  • hasItemsinQueue(queue)

Built-Ins: Binary Predicates

Most elementary logic is builtin into Yantrix, i.e. those functions can be used in any Reducer or Expression:

and, all(Binary, Binary, ..) => BinaryAny number of conditionsa boolean conjuction of conditions
or, any(Binary, Binary, ..) => BinaryAny number of conditionsa boolean disjunction of conditions
not(Binary) => BinaryA single conditiona boolean negation
none(Binary, Binary, ..) => BinaryAny number of conditionsequivalent to not(and(...))

Built-Ins: Numeric Predicates

isEven(Number) => BinaryA numeric valuetruthy if the number is even
isOdd(Number) => BinaryA numeric valuetruthy if the number is odd
isInteger(Number) => BinaryA numeric valuetruthy if the number is integer
isEqual(any, any) => BinaryAny valuestruthy if the arguments are of the same type and have identical value
isGreater(Number, Number) => BinaryTwo numberstruthy if the first number1 > number2
isGreaterOrEqual(Number, Number) => BinaryTwo numberstruthy if the first number1 > number2
isLess(Number, Number) => BinaryTwo numberstruthy if the first number1 < number2
isLessOrEqual(Number, Number) => BinaryTwo numberstruthy if the first number1 <= number2
isNegative(Number) => BinaryA numeric valuetruthy if the number is less than 0
isPositive(Number) => BinaryA numeric valuetruthy if the number is greater or equal to 0

Built-Ins: Lookup Predicates

contains(String, String) => Binarytwo stringstruthy if the string1 includes string2, compared bytewise
contains(List, any) => Binaryan array-like structure and a value to searchtruthy if the the List includes the second value, compared by type and bytewise
contains(Object, String) => BinaryA dictionary-like structure and a search stringtruthy if the the Object has a value with a name of the String parameter
has(List, Number) => Binaryan array-like structure and a search indextruthy if the the List has an index equal to Number
has(Object, String) => BinaryA dictionary-like structure and a search stringtruthy if the the Object has a key with a name of the String parameter
isNull(Expression) => Binaryan Expressionis truthy when the passed Expression can not be defined