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Values and Constants

Type system

As of now, data contracts in diagrams do not have typings.

When exporting Typescript code, they are declared as any. However, FSM itself (it's States and Actions) is typed along with Automata instance.

For other languages, Yantrix aims to provide compatibility with elementary types, existing in most of them:

  • Numbers: integer and floats are processed as similarly as possible for a given language
  • Strings: strings are processed as immutables, i.e. every string function should return a new string rather than modify one of its arguments
  • Lists (Tuples): Lists and Tuples are processed as similarly as possible for a given language. They also are immutable and can only be a read-only argument of the calling function
  • Objects(Dictionaries): implementation is highly language-dependent and aims to reproduce the behaviour of Typescript Record implementation as closely as possible. For Functions implementation Object arguments should be defined as immutable and read-only.
  • Binary — a special type that is used for conditional logic. It is essentially a Number but is interpreted as a boolean by the following rules:
    • If the value is Null or unset, the Binary is falsy
    • If the value is 0 or less, the Binary is falsy
    • If the value is 1 or greater, the Binary is truthy
    • Otherwise, the value is rounded by mathematic rules and then is compared again
  • A special Function type exists for Functions, when they are used as another Function parameter, such as in map- and filter-style iterators.


Properties are named members of Data Objects. Inside Yantrix intestines Payload,Context and Event Meta are dictionaries, and top-level properties of them can be extracted by name. Deeper nested values (i.e., when property is of Object type) are extracted with special Functions

The properties extracted from Data Objects, which are destructured from them based on their Keys. Listing Keys is like declaring variables, which are members of a dereferenced Data Object. Key list is defined as the following:


Expression is derived from Data Object properties, bound to any of them, see Expressions

Referencing Data Objects

The choice of Data Object to attach a property is defined by the directive.


#varName references a property of Context inside any Expression. If the Context with given name is not available in the calling directive, the property reference is set to Null, unless provided with a default value

#{KEY_LIST} is used to reference numerous properties of Context, mostly in Reducers and Event Emitters.

''' declare a Context with three members
''' Declare a Context with three more members, that copy value from previous ones
#{oldA, oldB, oldC} <= #a,#b,#c
''' fire an Event with a numeric property, derived from a function applied to those
emit/someEvent (eventCode) <= #{encode(oldA, oldB, oldC)}


$varName references a property of Payload inside any Expression. If the Payload with given name is not available in the calling directive, the property reference is set to Null, unless provided with a default value

(KEY_LIST) is used to reference numerous properties of Payload on the left side of <= of subscribe directives

''' Expression that invokes a Function upon a Payload property
''' assign three Payload properties to respective Context properties
#{a,b,c} <= $payloadA, $payloadB, $payloadC
''' Translate an Event with its Meta to Action with Payload
subscribe/someEvent SomeAction ( payloadValue ) <= ( eventMetaValue )

Default values

Default values are assigned to vars when the requested property is absent in Data Object or equals to Null (an empty pointer). To assign a default value the KEY_ITEM is followed by = and a Constant or Expression. For instance:

#{anyValue, stringValue = 'foobar', numericValue = cos(div(%%pi,6))}

Default values can be used both in Source Objects and in Target Objects in Reducers, but they behave differently on either side of <= token: left-side defaults are used when corresponding right side expression converges to Null, while right-side defaults are used when attached references are absent in Data Object or equal to Null.

In the following example value1 and value2 will not be set to 1 if they already have values, but they will acquire 1 as a starting value when the Context is created for the first time

#{value1, value2} <= #value1 = 1, #value2 = 1
''' same as
#{value1 = 1, value2 = 1} <= #value1, #value2
''' same as shortcut
#{value1 = 1, value2 = 1 }

a difference emerges is there's a Function in Expression:

''' in this example, value2 can become Null after the computation
''' if "funcValue" call returns Null, even though value2 has a default value
#{value1, value2} <= #value1 = 1, funcValue(#value2 = 1)

''' however, if also assigned on the left side, it resolves to a default value
#{value1, value2 = 1} <= #value1 = 1, funcValue(#value2 = 1)

When used on both sides of a Reducer, the Source Object execution takes precedence when assigning default values, i.e., the code #{a = 1} <= $b = func(2) is processed in the following manner:

  • b is read from Payload. If it's absent or Null, the func is invoked with a parameter of 2. The resulting value is assigned to $b.
  • if the value is set, it's assigned to a property of the resulting Context. If the expressions resolves to Null, that property is filled with value of 1

Thus, if no Payload was given, or it doesn't have b key, Context.a contents will depend on what is returned by func(2) call.

Constant declaration

All but Object types can be created in-place, as the default value of Context or Payload property or as a Function argument

  • 1 or 1.05 is the way to create a Number. Other numeric representations (e.g. hex, exponential, etc.) are supported as long as the target language supports them. Numbers are automatically typecasted to Binary if needed
  • 'foo' creates a String primitive
  • [] creates an empty List
  • %%foo is a compile-time Constant, that is passed to a Codegen along with a diagram, primarily being used for behaviors that are dependent on environment and/or CI/CD operations.


#{a, b, c} describes a Context with named properties a,b and c. This notation is a syntactic sugar for #{a, b, c} <= #a, #b, #c, meaning that values are plain copied from the preceding Context during the transaction

#{a, b} <= $a, $b is similar but copies values from Payload, received by a transaction.

It could be #{a, b} <= $c, $d, in which case the properties are copied in the correspoding order: Context.a receives the value of Payload.c, and Context.b is updated with Payload.d.

The same is possible with Context too, and basically every Expression can be used on the right side of reducer: #{newA,newB} <= someFunction(#oldA), #oldB = 2 does the following:

  1. passes previousContext.oldA to someFunction and puts the output value to newContext.newA
  2. assigns previousContext.oldB value to newContext.newB, or uses 2 numeric primitive instead, if previousContext.oldB was not defined or set to Null

More lifelike examples:

  • #{id, name} : copies corresponding fields from previous Context
  • #{id, name} <= #id, trim(#name) does the same, but applies String.trim() to source value
  • #{id, name} <= #id, concat(trim(#name),' ',trim(#lastname)): extracts two properties from the source object, trims them and joins them with a predefined string constant
  • #{counter} <= add(#counter, $increment): adds increment property of a Payload to the Context's counter property