Integrating with Redux
The connector allows for integration both with native Redux and with Redux-Toolkit Library. FSMs for Redux integration must be complemented using Typescript codegen, thus providing a @yantrix/automata
$ npm install @yantrix/redux @yantrix-codegen
Define a diagram, for instance, a simple traffic light scheme:
build your FSM
$ yantrix codegen ../schemas/traffic_light.mermaid --outfile ../generated/traffic_light.ts --language TypeScript --className TrafficLight
(Optional): Import the adapters and the generated Automata
into your project
// importing bridge toolset
import * as Yantrix from '@yantrix/redux';
// import a generated automata
import TrafficLight from '../generated/traffic-light.ts';
// will export `className` passed to codegen in static variable:
const fsmId =; // 'TrafficLight'
You might be more specific with imports depending on the integration scheme
RTK Slice
If you must, you can use a generated Automata
as is within your Redux Store, explicitly exporint its Actions
to Redux and possibly providing a mapper to produce a Redux Store from FSM Context
. If the latter is not provided, which is the default scenario, that mapper would be replaced by shallow copyin. That is not exactly a Redux way, but it works.
lib provides a createFSMSlice
method which creates a Redux Toolkit Slice which exports all FSM
s Actions
as reducers, that invoke dispatch
method of an FSM to resolve the next state of the produced slice
You shall provide a string constant do discriminate every particular integration. If you must, you can use a same constant for different slices, assuming Actions
of FSM
s are globally unique.
import { createFSMSlice } from '@yantrix/redux';
// import a generated FSM
import TrafficLight from '../generated/traffic-light.ts';
// provide an integration id as action prefix
const YantrixSliceId = 'yantrix';
const YantrixSlice = createFSMSlice(TrafficLight);
this will instantiate a TrafficLight
class and connect it to Redux.
// create a slice for one Automata or for any number of them
const store = configureStore({
reducer: combineReducers({
// here go all your other slices
// ...
[YantrixSliceId]: YantrixSlice.reducer,
declare type TCreateFSMSliceOptions<StateType, ContextType = object> = {
name: string;
fsm: ClassConstructor<IAutomata>;
contextToRedux?: (context: ContextType) => StateType;
reducerPath?: string;
selectors?: Record<string, (state: StateType) => any>;
declare function createFSMSlice(options: TCreateFSMSliceOptions): ReturnType<createSlice>;
The type of the return value is also the shape of initialState
of a produced slice. In this case it would be:
type TAutomataContext = {
state: 'Off' | 'Red' | 'RedYellow' | 'Yellow' | 'Green';
context: {
counter: number;
const initialState: TAutomataContext = {
state: 'Off',
context: {
counter: 0,
The State of the RTK Slice is represented by the return value of an optional functional parameter:
import { combineReducers, configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
const YantrixSlice = createFSMSlice({
fsm: TrafficLight,
contextToRedux: context => context, // optional, default mapper
If needed, a Context
of an FSM can be transformed in a different manner to reduce polymorphism and optimize execution:
const YantrixSlice = createFSMSlice({
fsm: TrafficLight,
contextToRedux: context => ({
counter: context.counter,
redColorOn: ['Red', 'RedYellow'].includes(context.state),
yellowColorOn: ['Yellow', 'RedYellow'].includes(context.state),
greenColorOn: ['Green'].includes(context.state),
}), // this function can be memoized
In this case, initialState
is derived by applying the mapper to the automata initial Context
. It might seem a slightly more reduxish way of using transitional state mapping, however, this makes sense only if the produced flags are used directly by components in respective selectors. Otherwise, flag programming should be evaded as much as possible to enjoy the virtues of finite state machines, like determinism and low cyclomatic complexity.
The produced object, which is essentially a common RTK Slice, exports redux action creaters, named by pattern
, having aninitialCounter
, having no parameters
dispatching an action to Redux will actually invoke an Action
upon the FSM
and map its resulting Context
to Redux slice state
Another very controllable option to integrate FSMs with Redux would be to use FSM
s as an independent asynchronous logic to transduce Redux Actions before they reach already existing reducers. The FSM
logic then is applied to the whole Redux Store rather than a particular slice, allowing for operating behavior of existing apps. This approach is also super convenient when using Redux Actions as value setters, however, this is not a Redux way either.
The proper way is to dispatch a specific Redux Action that would pass the control to the FSM
, which, in turn, returns a new Action
to be dispatched to Redux
. The original Redux Action may have a separate reducer, or maybe ignored completely.
Since FSM
should not have knowledge about a particular Redux Store at time being, the middleware requires a couple of mappers:
- A function that maps Redux Action to the particular
- A function that maps
to the particular Redux Action
import { PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { Middleware } from 'redux';
function createMiddleware<ActionType extends PayloadAction, AutomataType extends IAutomata, StoreType = any>(
FSM: AutomataType,
// if the following mapper returns null, the Payload is not dispatched to FSM
mapActionToFSMPayload: (action: ActionType) => TInferAutomataPayload<AutomataType>,
// if the following mapper returns null, the Action is not dispatched to Redux
mapContextToAction: (context: TInferAutomataContext<ActionType>) => ActionType,
): Middleware<ActionType, StoreType>;
Note that the outbound mapping relies on the State
of the FSM
rather than on the Action
produced on the first stage. This behaviour intentionally copies the Event Adapter API, so that the mappers could be at least somewhat composable/reusable.
import { combineReducers, configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { createMiddleware } from '@yantrix/redux';
import TrafficLight from '../generated/traffic-light.ts';
export const store = configureStore({
reducer: combineReducers({
/* ... */
middleware: getDefaultMiddleware =>
({ type, payload }) => (type !== 'yantrix/trafficLight')
? null
: TrafficLight.createAction('Switch', payload),
({ state, context }) => ({
type: 'changeTrafficLight', // assume this action is handled elsewhere in Redux
payload: { color: state, counter: context.counter }
Event Adapters
Event Adapters present yet another way to plug FSM
s into Redux, which is the most recommended way when you have several (or many) intertwined FSM
s that communicate with Events
, allowing for asynchronous processing outside of Redux. Redux itself becomes an observer of Events
of a Slice
, connecting with Event Bus
directly. The Actions are selectively mapped to Events
which somehow update FSM
s in Slice
stack, and, if any Events
in generated in response to FSM
transitions, they are selectively mapped to another Redux Actions, which are then dispatched asynchronously (like a thunk)
// here goes the listing with Event Bus...