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Yantrix provides a set of mixed functional and objective APIs, each of them being self-sufficient for a particular application layer. However, when used together, they form an all-around framework that manages things like:

  • Sync and Async I/O
  • Timers, Events and integrations
  • Declarative data storage
  • Application State management

Basic entities

Yantrix suggests the following design paradigm:

  • Responsibility layers are built in accordance with a slightly adapted MVC approach
  • "Controller" layer is composed of Slices, which are sets of interconnected FSMs (finite state machines), which communicate with Events and produce Effects to update the "Model"
  • "View" layer (including UI and external I/O) is updated asynchronously with a Render Loop
    • I/O streams are non-duplex and are separated into Sources, which generate Events for "Controller", and Destinations, which are updated when the "Model" has changed
    • All external interfaces are designed using Event-Driven Architecture
  • "Model" component is a serializable (anemic) data structure (Data Model), which provides a single global store for the whole application, though it can and should be built with composition of Slices. It can be propagated to external Storages in an independent Sync Loop
  • the Main Loop is taking Events from UI and I/O and repeatedly updates the Data Model and Slices internal states based on their internal rules


The basic building block of state logic is a FSM (more specifically - a Mealy Machine), which is built upon a transition map – a structure that describes relations between States and Actions, built from the decision tree of the machine. Every Action type can have a derived Payload type, while every State has a dependent Context, and the latter two represent the current internal state of the machine. Both are plain objects, that are processed immutably.

Actions/Payloads and States/Contexts are enumerable values that can be combined from various Dictionaries, and also can be reused independently on each other. For instance, it's perfectly fine to create several FSMs that operate either on the same set of Actions or States, or both.


Slices are independent parts of business logic layer, each having its own Effect Matrix and a set of FSMs. Slices are a suggested way to chop the App logic into independent smaller pieces, which

  • reduces the complexity of Data Model and provides a clear concern separation
  • enables for better performance and smart caching
  • enables for smooth refactoring of the resulting App to microservices or micro-frontends if it gets too intertwined

Data abstractions

Data Model

All the App states are stored in a single anemic object structure, which is persisted between runs and deterministically describe the behavior of the App. Designing the proper Data Model is the essential and the most important step to start laying out logic using Events and Slices.

Data Model contract can be composited from Slices, much like Redux Toolkit does


Sources and Destinations are abstractions for, respectively, input and output channels of the App. They include, but not limited to:

  • Internal Timers inside App
  • Remote API calls with various protocols for backend Apps
  • Hardware controls and UI interaction for frontend Apps
  • Message brokers, like Kafka or RabbitMQ
  • Network transports, like WebRTC or UDP streams
  • Environmental calls, i.e. pipes, sockets, system clock, file system, OS or WEB APIs

Every particular kind of Source or Destination is represented by a corresponding class:

  • ISourceEmitter for Source channels, which allows to declare rules of publishing Events from Source. That could be done via subscription, long and short polling or by exposing hook methods to be used directly throughout the App, notably in frontend UI Components and/or webserver routes.
  • IDestinationGateway for Destination channels, which observes the Data Model and propagates the required changes into the target endpoint


Storage is an adapter class to persist the Data Model and to load its snapshot, like:

  • LocalStorage for web apps
  • in-memory key storages, like Redis
  • Databases, like Mongo or Postgres
  • Physical and cloud file systems
  • Distributed storages like Blockchain or IPFS

The App can have multiple Storages which can store different subsets of Data Model. When the App starts, it polls all the Storages and integrates the received data into an initial Data Model snapshot, using composition of Selectors.

Event Model


Events represent every significant atomic change in the App state and are the default way to propagate updates throughout the rest of the architecture. Event Dictionary is an enumerable set of Events constants that is shared throughout the App.

Every Event type is associated with a particular type contract named Event Meta, which is typically implemented as generic type TEventMetaType<TEventType>. Event Meta can be irrelevant for certain Event types, in which case the null value and type is used.

Event Adapter

Unless FSM includes an Event Adapater, it would not accept or emit Events into the Event Stack and can only be controlled directly. However, in most cases it's desirable to connect it to the Event Stack via a pub/sub mechanism, which contains asymmetrical Mapping Matrix, that is responsible for:

  • Casting handled Events into Actions, including mapping of Event Meta to Payload
  • Producing Events from State changes, including mapping of Context to Event Meta

The reason Event Adapter is separated from FSM is reusability. If two FSMs share compatible contracts of Actions and States, they can use the same Event Adapter too, if needed.

Event Stack

Input streams (UI Components and Sources) and FSMs are emitting Events, that are put into a special LIFO structure, known as Event Stack. It is processed continuously by the Main Loop, which handles them one by one, always taking the last emitted Event and passing it to all connected Slices, and thus FSMs

Data operations


Predicates are functions that return a Boolean value and are used to fork the flow of operations inside FSMs. All Predicates are high-order functions that allow compositing them. They come in three flavors:

  • Built-in Predicates are used to combine other Predicates and implement logical operations like not, and and so on.
  • Model Predicates have a Data Model as a dependency and are supposed to implement conditions that rely on the current state of Application
  • Context Predicates are bound to a certain Slice and its State Dictionary, and have a State/Context pair as a dependency. It's designed to create decision branching inside a Transition Matrix


Transformers are projection-type functions that come with Slice and translate the same types between each other. They can be:

  • Context Transformers translate Contexts between each other. They are used inside Transition Matrix to update the internal data of the FSM when changing States. They are defined as a part of State Dictionary
  • Reducer Transformers translate from State+Action/Payload to State/Context
  • Model Transformers are a subtype of Effects which is context-free and is basically a function that mutates the Data Model. They can be composed with Predicates to produce Effects
  • Generic Transformers are built-in and user-defined pure functions that operate on any contract type and map the values. They are the basic building blocks of data manipulation.


Effects are pure high-order functions that update Data Model based on its current state and emitted Events, very similar to the way FSMs operate (and Redux's reducers). However, FSMs cannot alter the Data Model directly, locked inside their local scope, they can emit Events through the Event Adapter, which is mapped to a particular Effect by the Effect Matrix of the owning slice.

All the Effects triggered by different slices are batched every iteration of Main Loop, yielding exactly one (or none) Data Model update regardless of how many FSM transitions were performed.

APIs relation diagram

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