@yantrix/automata v0.0.2 • Docs
Yantrix API / @yantrix/automata / IAutomataExtendedValidatorContainer
Interface: IAutomataExtendedValidatorContainer<StateType, ActionType, EventType, ContextType, PayloadType, EventMetaType>
Interface for an Automata extended validator container.
Type Parameters
• StateType extends TAutomataBaseStateType
The type of the state.
• ActionType extends TAutomataBaseActionType
The type of the action.
• EventType extends TAutomataBaseEventType
The type of the event.
• ContextType extends { [K in StateType]: any }
The type of the context.
• PayloadType extends { [K in ActionType]: any }
The type of the payload.
• EventMetaType extends { [K in EventType]: any }
The type of the event metadata.