Test Cases
🕙 Start time | ⌛ Duration |
3/5/2025, 11:19:27 AM | 9.759 s |
✅ Passed | ❌ Failed | ⏩ Skipped | 🚧 Todo | ⚪ Total | |
Test Suites | 101 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 101 |
Tests | 261 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 261 |
✅ tests/actionDictionary.test.ts
69 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 todo, done in 174.19668000000001 s
✅ actionDictionary › constructor
✅ returns an instance of ActionDictionaryTest
✅ returns an instance of AbstractBaseClass
✅ has an autogenerated alphanumeric Correlation ID
✅ is empty by default
✅ actionDictionary › /setActionValidator
✅ accepts a function to overwrite default Action Validator
✅ resets the Action Validator to default when called with null
✅ returns self
✅ actionDictionary › /getDictionary
✅ returns the dictionary
✅ filters by namespace
✅ ignores invalid namespaces
✅ actionDictionary › /clearActions › when used with no arguments
✅ returns self
✅ wipes the dictionary
✅ actionDictionary › /clearActions › when used with a namespace
✅ returns self
✅ removes the particular namespace
✅ ignores invalid namespaces
✅ actionDictionary › /clearActions
✅ actionDictionary › /getActionValues › returns null when namespace and/or action does not match
✅ action from different namespace
✅ action from non-existent namespace
✅ action in default namespace that does not exist
✅ returns as many nulls as keys were requested
✅ actionDictionary › /getActionValues
✅ returns empty array for empty input
✅ returns a valid Action value without namespace
✅ returns a valid Action with namespace
✅ is idempotent
✅ actionDictionary › /addActions › without namespace
✅ returns valid numeric values
✅ is idempotent
✅ throws when adding duplicate keys
✅ actionDictionary › /addActions › with namespace
✅ returns valid numeric values
✅ is idempotent
✅ allows adding same keys with different namespaces
✅ throws when adding duplicate keys
✅ actionDictionary › /addActions
✅ actionDictionary › /removeActions › with namespace › without Keys and Actions
✅ does not change the dictionary with non-existing namespace
✅ does not change the dictionary with existing namespace
✅ actionDictionary › /removeActions › with namespace › with Keys
✅ does not change the dictionary with non-existing namespace
✅ ignores empty keys
✅ ignores keys from different namespace
✅ ignores non-existing keys
✅ removes the requested Keys
✅ actionDictionary › /removeActions › with namespace › with Actions
✅ does not change the dictionary with non-existing namespace
✅ ignores empty actions
✅ ignores actions from different namespace
✅ ignores non-existing actions
✅ removes the requested Actions
✅ actionDictionary › /removeActions › with namespace › with Keys and Actions
✅ does not change the dictionary with non-existing namespace
✅ ignores empty actions and keys
✅ removes the requested Actions and Keys
✅ restricts removed Actions and Keys to the requested namespace
✅ actionDictionary › /removeActions › with namespace
✅ actionDictionary › /removeActions › without namespace › without Keys and Actions
✅ does not change the dictionary
✅ actionDictionary › /removeActions › without namespace › with Keys
✅ ignores empty keys
✅ ignores non-existing keys
✅ removes the requested Keys
✅ actionDictionary › /removeActions › without namespace › with Actions
✅ ignores empty actions
✅ ignores Actions from namespaces
✅ ignores non-existent Actions
✅ removes the requested Actions
✅ actionDictionary › /removeActions › without namespace › with Keys and Actions
✅ ignores empty actions and keys
✅ removes the requested Actions and Keys
✅ restricts removed Actions and Keys to the default namespace
✅ actionDictionary › /removeActions › without namespace
✅ actionDictionary › /removeActions
✅ returns self
✅ does not change the dictionary without params
✅ on empty dictionary does not change anything
✅ actionDictionary › /getActionKeys › returns null when namespace and/or action does not match
✅ invalid action
✅ actions from different namespace
✅ action from non-existent namespace
✅ action in default namespace that does not exist
✅ returns as many nulls as keys were requested
✅ actionDictionary › /getActionKeys
✅ returns empty array for empty input
✅ is idempotent
✅ returns a key without namespace
✅ returns a key with namespace
✅ actionDictionary
✅ tests/automata.test.ts
68 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 todo, done in 219.32568900000024 s
✅ automata › constructor
✅ returns an instance of AutomataTest
✅ returns an instance of AbstractBaseClass
✅ sets the EventAdapter
✅ automata › /setEventValidator
✅ accepts a function to overwrite default Event Validator
✅ resets the Event Validator to default when called with null
✅ returns self
✅ automata › /setActionValidator
✅ accepts a function to overwrite default Action Validator
✅ resets the Action Validator to default when called with null
✅ returns self
✅ automata › /setStateValidator
✅ accepts a function to overwrite default State Validator
✅ resets the State Validator to default when called with null
✅ returns self
✅ automata › when not initialized properly
✅ throws an error when calling `dispatch`
✅ throws an error when calling `consumeAction`
✅ throws an error when calling `collapseActionQueue`
✅ automata › /init
✅ resets root reducer when called with null as reducer
✅ throws when called with non-function reducer
✅ assigns a reducer when passed
✅ initializes with provided Context, empty Queue, and is Enabled and Resumed by default
✅ resets the Queue and Internal State, while copying Disabled and Paused, when invoked upon stateful Automata
✅ throws when called with invalid state
✅ returns self
✅ automata › /consumeAction › with argument
✅ pops all Actions from Action Queue and returns computed Context, when called with number greater than queue length
✅ when Disabled, computes the specified quantity of Actions from the Queue without changing the internal state
✅ when Enabled, consumes of Actions from the Queue and changes the state
✅ automata › /consumeAction
✅ with empty Action Queue returns the current Context
✅ with empty Action Queue returns the current Context when called with parameter
✅ when Disabled, doesn't alter the Action Queue but returns computed Context
✅ when Enabled, pops the Action Queue and returns computed Context
✅ automata › /dispatch › when Unpaused, Enabled
✅ instantly updates internal Context without the Action Queue and returns new Context
✅ doesn't Disable or Pause
✅ automata › /dispatch › when Unpaused, Disabled
✅ returns new Context without altering Action Queue or changing internal Context
✅ doesn't Enable or Pause
✅ automata › /dispatch › when Paused, Enabled
✅ returns new Context, adding Action to Action Queue and not changing internal Context
✅ doesn't Disable or Resume
✅ automata › /dispatch › when Paused, Disabled
✅ returns new Context, adding Action to Action Queue and not changing internal Context
✅ doesn't Enable or Resume
✅ automata › /dispatch
✅ throws on invalid Actions
✅ is pure function
✅ automata › /pause, /resume, /disable, /enable › when Paused › enabling/Disabling in Paused mode
✅ disable is invariant to Paused and Context, but not to Action Queue
✅ enable is invariant to Paused, and Context, but not to Action Queue
✅ disable(true) clears the Action Queue but invariant to Context and Paused
✅ automata › /pause, /resume, /disable, /enable › when Paused
✅ resumes the Disabled Automata, preserving the queue
✅ resumes the Enabled Automata, Consuming the queue
✅ pause is idempotent
✅ does not Dispatch the Action but queues it
✅ automata › /pause, /resume, /disable, /enable › when not Paused › enabling/Disabling not in Paused mode
✅ disable is invariant to Action Queue, Context and Paused
✅ disable with 'true' is invariant to Action Queue, Context and Paused
✅ enable is invariant to Paused and Action Queue, but not to Context
✅ automata › /pause, /resume, /disable, /enable › when not Paused
✅ pauses the enabled Automata
✅ pauses the disabled Automata
✅ resume is idempotent
✅ automata › /pause, /resume, /disable, /enable
✅ automata › /getActionQueue
✅ returns the Action Queue when Paused
✅ is always empty when Resumed and Enabled
✅ every call returns a new object
✅ automata › /getContext
✅ returns the Context passed at initialization
✅ every call returns a new object
✅ automata › /getReducer
✅ returns the RootReducer passed at initialization
✅ returns Null when RootReducer is reset
✅ automata › /clearActionQueue
✅ clears the Action Queue when Paused, Enabled
✅ clears the Action Queue when Paused, Disabled
✅ isn't needed when Resumed, Enabled
✅ isn't needed when Resumed, Disabled
✅ returns self
✅ automata › /collapseActionQueue › when Paused
✅ when Enabled, clears the Action Queue and returns it along with new Context
✅ when Disabled, returns the Action Queue and Context, but doesn't change them
✅ automata › /collapseActionQueue › when Resumed
✅ when Enabled, does not change anything, returns the current Context and empty Actions
✅ when Disabled, returns the Action Queue and Context, but doesn't change them
✅ automata › /collapseActionQueue
✅ automata
✅ tests/eventAdapter.test.ts
46 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 todo, done in 141.38641500000017 s
✅ eventAdapter › constructor
✅ returns an instance of EventAdapterTest
✅ returns an instance of AbstractBaseClass
✅ has an autogenerated alphanumeric Correlation ID
✅ is empty by default
✅ eventAdapter › setEventValidator
✅ accepts a function to overwrite default Event Validator
✅ resets the Event Validator to default when called with null
✅ eventAdapter › setStateValidator
✅ accepts a function to overwrite default State Validator
✅ resets the Event Validator to default when called with null
✅ eventAdapter › getObservedEvents
✅ returns an empty array by default
✅ returns observed events
✅ omits Events that are discarded by Event Validator
✅ eventAdapter › getObservedStates
✅ returns an empty array by default
✅ returns observed states
✅ omits States that are discarded by State Validator
✅ eventAdapter › event Handling › addEventListener
✅ actually adds an observer
✅ returns an unsubscribe function
✅ returns Null when called with invalid handler
✅ ignores invalid Events and returns Null
✅ ignores listeners for Events that are discarded by Event Validator
✅ eventAdapter › event Handling › handleEvent (single listener)
✅ ignores invalid Events
✅ ignores Events discarded by Event Validator
✅ correctly handles single event
✅ is pure function
✅ is correctly applied with null EventMeta
✅ eventAdapter › event Handling › handleEvent (multiple listeners)
✅ returns a related stack of actions on success
✅ applies multiple event handlers to each event in original order
✅ eventAdapter › event Handling › removeAllListeners
✅ removes all listeners without an argument
✅ removes typed listeners with a typed argument
✅ ignores invalid Events
✅ ignores Events discarded by Event Validator
✅ eventAdapter › event Handling
✅ eventAdapter › event Dispatching › addEventEmitter
✅ actually adds an emitter
✅ returns an unsubscribe function
✅ returns Null when called with invalid Emitter
✅ ignores invalid States and returns Null
✅ ignores Emitters for States that are discarded by State Validator
✅ eventAdapter › event Dispatching › handleTransition (single emitter)
✅ ignores invalid States
✅ ignores States discarded by State Validator
✅ correctly handles a single transition
✅ is pure function
✅ is correctly applied with null state context
✅ eventAdapter › event Dispatching › handleTransition (multiple emitters)
✅ returns a related stack of actions on success
✅ applies multiple event handlers to each event in original order
✅ eventAdapter › event Dispatching › removeAllEmitters
✅ removes all listeners without an argument
✅ removes emitters for a specific state when called with a typed argument
✅ ignores invalid States
✅ ignores States discarded by State Validator
✅ eventAdapter › event Dispatching
✅ eventAdapter
✅ tests/eventBus.test.ts
9 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 todo, done in 39.15747800000008 s
✅ eventBus › constructor
✅ returns an instance of EventBusTest
✅ returns an instance of AbstractBaseClass
✅ has an autogenerated alphanumeric Correlation ID
✅ is empty by default
✅ eventBus › event stack
✅ events are added to event stack
✅ event stack can be cleared
✅ eventBus › event processing
✅ can process events synchronously
✅ does not process events if paused
✅ can process events after resume
✅ eventBus
✅ tests/eventDictionary.test.ts
69 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 todo, done in 167.44306000000051 s
✅ eventDictionary › constructor
✅ returns an instance of EventDictionaryTest
✅ returns an instance of AbstractBaseClass
✅ has an autogenerated alphanumeric Correlation ID
✅ is empty by default
✅ eventDictionary › /setEventValidator
✅ accepts a function to overwrite default Event Validator
✅ resets the Event Validator to default when called with null
✅ returns self
✅ eventDictionary › /getDictionary
✅ returns the dictionary
✅ filters by namespace
✅ ignores invalid namespaces
✅ eventDictionary › /clearEvents › when used with no arguments
✅ returns self
✅ wipes the dictionary
✅ eventDictionary › /clearEvents › when used with a namespace
✅ returns self
✅ removes the particular namespace
✅ ignores invalid namespaces
✅ eventDictionary › /clearEvents
✅ eventDictionary › /getEventValues › returns null when namespace and/or Event does not match
✅ event from different namespace
✅ event from non-existent namespace
✅ event in default namespace that does not exist
✅ returns as many nulls as keys were requested
✅ eventDictionary › /getEventValues
✅ returns empty array for empty input
✅ returns a valid Event value without namespace
✅ returns a valid Event with namespace
✅ is idempotent
✅ eventDictionary › /addEvents › without namespace
✅ returns valid numeric values
✅ is idempotent
✅ throws when adding duplicate keys
✅ eventDictionary › /addEvents › with namespace
✅ returns valid numeric values
✅ is idempotent
✅ allows adding same keys with different namespaces
✅ throws when adding duplicate keys
✅ eventDictionary › /addEvents
✅ eventDictionary › /removeEvents › with namespace › without Keys and Events
✅ does not change the dictionary with non-existing namespace
✅ does not change the dictionary with existing namespace
✅ eventDictionary › /removeEvents › with namespace › with Keys
✅ does not change the dictionary with non-existing namespace
✅ ignores empty keys
✅ ignores keys from different namespace
✅ ignores non-existing keys
✅ removes the requested Keys
✅ eventDictionary › /removeEvents › with namespace › with Events
✅ does not change the dictionary with non-existing namespace
✅ ignores empty Events
✅ ignores Events from different namespace
✅ ignores non-existing Events
✅ removes the requested Events
✅ eventDictionary › /removeEvents › with namespace › with Keys and Events
✅ does not change the dictionary with non-existing namespace
✅ ignores empty Events and keys
✅ removes the requested Events and Keys
✅ restricts removed Events and Keys to the requested namespace
✅ eventDictionary › /removeEvents › with namespace
✅ eventDictionary › /removeEvents › without namespace › without Keys and Events
✅ does not change the dictionary
✅ eventDictionary › /removeEvents › without namespace › with Keys
✅ ignores empty keys
✅ ignores non-existing keys
✅ removes the requested Keys
✅ eventDictionary › /removeEvents › without namespace › with Events
✅ ignores empty Events
✅ ignores Events from namespaces
✅ ignores non-existent Events
✅ removes the requested Events
✅ eventDictionary › /removeEvents › without namespace › with Keys and Events
✅ ignores empty Events and keys
✅ removes the requested Events and Keys
✅ restricts removed Events and Keys to the default namespace
✅ eventDictionary › /removeEvents › without namespace
✅ eventDictionary › /removeEvents
✅ returns self
✅ does not change the dictionary without params
✅ on empty dictionary does not change anything
✅ eventDictionary › /getEventKeys › returns null when namespace and/or Event does not match
✅ invalid Event
✅ events from different namespace
✅ event from non-existent namespace
✅ event in default namespace that does not exist
✅ returns as many nulls as keys were requested
✅ eventDictionary › /getEventKeys
✅ returns empty array for empty input
✅ is idempotent
✅ returns a key without namespace
✅ returns a key with namespace
✅ eventDictionary