ic_fluent_resize_20_filledCreated with Sketch.
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Yantrix diagram syntax


Yantrix extends MermaidJS syntax to describe business logic, which is then transpiled into one of popular programming languages. This allows to effortlessly visualize data flow and control states, blending well into Documentation-As-Code and Everything-As-Code paradigms.

Yantrix currently supports State Diagrams and aims to support Sequence Diagrams and Class Diagrams as well.

Example of a State Diagram, implementing an until loop:

direction LR
[*] --> LOOP_BEGIN: START_LOOP(counter)
state loop_ends <<choice>>
LOOP_REPEAT --> loop_ends: [-]
loop_ends --> LOOP_REPEAT: isGreater($counter,0)
loop_ends --> LOOP_END
note right of LOOP_BEGIN
    #{ counter } <= $counter = 1
end note
note left of LOOP_REPEAT
    #{ counter } <= add(#counter, -1)
end note

And this is how Mermaid renders it:

ic_fluent_resize_20_filledCreated with Sketch.

Notice: Please be informed that this particular diagram is not a good application of Yantrix, but rather is presented for demonstration purposes.

State Machine

The first layer of syntax is describing a FSMFinite State Machine.

The diagram above creates a FSM with 3 States:


They are written in uppercase on purpose, to be easily identified in a diagram source, but generally can be any alphanumeric identifiers.

The diagram also defines 2 Actions:

  • START_LOOP with a Payload that carries a single counter variable
  • ITERATE without a Payload

Since ITERATE can be invoked in two of three States(LOOP_BEGIN and LOOP_REPEAT), LOOP_END has no transitions out of it. However, an Action that is coming ot ouf a default node ([*]) can be dispatched from any State. Thus, START_LOOP Action effectively resets the whole machine to starting conditions. That is a very useful pattern for proper FSM designs

Invoking ITERATE Action at LOOP_REPEAT State leads to a Fork, which has to calculate the predicate greaterThan(${counter}, 0). If its truthy, the transition leads to LOOP_END. If not, the remaining transition makes a loop, invoking LOOP_REPEAT -> LOOP_REPEAT transition, yet again executing all operations in notes blocks, as described below.

Since LOOP_REPEAT has a ByPass flag, it passes ITERATE Action to oneself, looping again and again, until the Fork resolves to LOOP_END State.


Yantrix diagrams are built on top of Mermaid syntax for State Machines: there's an embedded subsyntax to describe data flow, effects and event model. That makes Yantrix itself a programming language that requires a bit of learning in order to use efficiently. The syntax reflects the state-machine lifecycle and mostly translates to or from reducers implemented via code generation.

Yantrix subsyntax is a functional language by design, and each line of it is supposed to be independent of the others. The best comparison could be Excel/Google Sheets formulas, that are:

  • are computed derivatives of the state
  • are executed and calculated in rounds
  • can depend on each other but not within one round of calculation

So despite lines of code are written in order, the result of their transpilation should not be dependent on line order as much as it goes.

Every line starts with a Directive which defines the character of operation and is the most basic semantic entity in Yantrix: